German questions ...

Echt jetzt? – Seriously?
Sprichst du Englisch? - Do you speak English?
Würdest du mir helfen ...? - Would you help me...?
Du mir einen Gefallen tun? - Can you do me a favor?
Nehmen Sie Kreditkarten? - Do you take credit cards?
Kannst du mir einen Gefallen tun? - Can you do me a favor?
Darf ich dich um etwas bitten? - May I ask you for something?
Hättest du kurz Zeit für ...? Would you have time (a moment) for...?
Würden Sie so freundlich sein und ...? - Would you be so kind and...?

Wo? - Where?
Wo ist ...? - Where is ...?
Wo bist du? - Where are you?
Wo wohnst du? - Where do you live?
Wo warst du? - Where have you been?
Wo ist das Hotel? - Where is the hotel?
Wo arbeitest du? - Where do you work?
Wo kann ich ... kaufen? - Where can I buy...?
Wo ist die Apotheke? - Where is the pharmacy?
Wo ist das Restaurant? - Where is the restaurant?
Wo sind die Toiletten? - Where are the restrooms?
Wo ist das Badezimmer? - Where is the bathroom?
Wo hast du das gefunden? - Where did you find that?
Wo ist der nächste Supermarkt? - Where is the nearest supermarket?

Was? - What? - subject or object, a person/action
Wie? - How? or What? -
manner (adjective)
Wann? - When? - time
Welche(r/s)? - Which? - selection
Warum?/Weshalb?/Wieso? - Why? - reason for an action
Wo? - Where? -
place (position)
Wohin? - Where (to)? -
place (direction)
Woher? - Where (from)? -
place (origin)
Wozu/Wofür? - What/for what? - purpose of an action
Worüber? - About what?
Wessen? - Whose? -
Wer? - Who? -
subject (person)
Wem? - Who/Whom? -
dative object, indirect object (person)
Wen? - Who/Whom? -
accusative object, direct object (person)
Weswegen - For what reason/because of what
Aus welchem Grund - Why/For what reason

Wie? - How? or What?
Wie läuft's? - How's it going?
Wie geht's? — How are you?
Wie geht's dir? - How are you?
Wie weit ist ...? - How far is ...?
Wie spät ist es? - What time is it?
Wie heißt du? - What is your name?
Wie ist Ihr Name? - What's your name?
Wie nennt man das? - What do you call it?
Wie viel kostet das? - How much does it cost?
Wie ist das Wetter? - What's the weather like?
Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? - How can I help you?
Wie war dein Wochenende? - How was your weekend?
Wie sagst du das auf Deutsch? - How do you say that in German?
Wie willst du dort hinkommen?
- How are you going to get there?

Was? - What?
Was geht? – What’s up?
Was ist das? - What is that?

Was ist los? — What's going on?
Was gibt's Neues? — What's new?
Was willst du? - What do you want?
Was denkst du? - What do you think?
Was meinst du? - What do you mean?
Was sagst du dazu? - What do you say?
Was brauchst du? - What do you need?
Was bevorzugst du? - What do you prefer?
Was schlägst du vor? - What do you suggest?
Was machst du gerade? - What are you doing?
Was sagen Sie dazu? - What do you say to that?
Was ist Ihr Lieblings ...? - What's your favorite ...?
Was machst du beruflich? - What do you do for a living?

Wer/Wen/Wem - Who/Whom
To decide if you need to use “wer”, “wen” or “wem”, rewrite the question into a statement with a masculine pronoun instead of the question word. The question word and the masculine pronoun will always have the same last letter.

Wer kauft die Karten? - Who is buying the tickets?
Er kauft die Karten. - He is buying the tickets.
Wen ruft er an? - Whom is he calling?
Er ruft
ihn an. - He is calling him.
Wem hast du das Geld gegeben? - To whom did you give the money?
Ich habe
ihm das Geld gegeben. - I gave him the money.

Wann? - When?
Wann treffen wir uns? - When will we meet?
Wann wirst du zurück sein? - When will you be back?
Wann habt ihr gefrühstückt? - When did you have breakfast?
Wann sehen wir uns wieder? - When will we see each other again?

Wohin? - Where (to)?
Wohin gehst du? - Where are you going (to)?

Wohin fliegt das Flugzeug? - Where is the plane flying to?
Wohin führt diese Straße? - Where does this road lead to?
Wohin reist du diesen Sommer? - Where are you traveling this summer?

Note: "Wo" and "hin" can also be used separately, example:
Wo führt dieser Weg hin? - To where does this path lead?

Woher? - Where (from)?
Woher kommst du? - Where are you from?
Woher hast du dieses Buch? - Where did you get this book from?
Woher kommt das Geräusch? - Where is the sound coming from?
Woher weißt du das? - Where do you know that from? (How do you know that?)

Note: "Wo" and "her" can also be separated, example:
Wo kommst du her? - Where are you from?

Warum, Wieso and Weshalb - Why?
Warum fragst du das? - Why are you asking that?
Warum kommst du so spät? - Why are you so late?
Weshalb kommst du immer zu spät? - Why are you always late?
Weshalb hast du deinen Job gekündigt? - Why did you quit your job?
Wieso hast du das Buch nicht zu Ende gelesen? - Why didn't you finish reading the book?

Wessen? - Whose?
Wessen Auto ist das? - Whose car is that?
Wessen Idee war das? - Whose idea was that?

Könntest du bitte ...? - Could you please...?
Kann ich es anprobieren? - Can I try it on?
Können Sie es mir zeigen? - Can you show me?
Können wir bitte zahlen? - Can we have the check?
Können Sie ... empfehlen? - Can you recommend ...?
Können Sie es aufschreiben? - Can you write it down?
Kann ich mit Karte bezahlen?- Can I pay with a card?
Können Sie mir den Weg zeigen? - Can you show me the way?
Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? - Can you please repeat that?

Ja/Nein Fragen - Yes/No Questions

Wofür/Wozu - What for
Wofür ist das gut? - What is that good for?
Wofür interessierst du dich? - What are you interested in?
Wozu brauchst du das? - What do you need that for?

Note: The difference between “wofür” and “wozu” consists in the preposition you would use to answer the question, example:

Wofür brauchst du das Geld? -Why do you need the money?
Ich brauche das Geld für ein neues Fahrrad - I need the money for a new bicycle

Wozu brauchst du das Geld? - Why do you need the money?
Ich brauche das Geld, um mir etwas zu kaufen - I need the money in order to buy myself something

Notes: Warum, Wieso, Weswegen, Weshalb, Wozu, Wofür, and Aus welchem Grund all translate as "why" in English, but have different meanings and are used in different contexts.
"Wo" is used to ask about a location, "woher" is used to ask about the origin, and "wohin" is used to ask about the destination or direction

Weswegen - Why/For what reason/because of what
It is mainly used in formal statements
Weswegen möchten Sie sich um den Job bewerben? - Why do you want to apply for the job?

Aus welchem Grund - Why/For what reason
Aus welchem Grund möchten Sie den Vertrag kündigen? - For what reason do you want to terminate the contract?
Aus welchem Grund hast du dich dazu entschieden, Deutsch zu lernen? - For what reason did you decide to learn German?

Welche(s/r)? - Which?
Welch- changes its endings according to the case of the preposition, number and the gender of the noun. Examples:

Welcher Mann ist das? - Which man is that?
Welchen Mann siehst du? - Which man do you see?
Mit welchem Mann sprichst du? - Which man are you talking to?
Welche Frau liest? - Which woman is reading?
Welche Frau suchst du? - Which woman are you looking for?
Welcher Frau Idee gefällt dir? - Which woman's idea do you like?
Welches Buch ist das? - Which book is that?
Welches Buch liest du? - Which book are you reading?
Welche Studenten sind hier? - Which students are here?

Worüber - What about?/About what?/Over what?
It is used to ask or refer to the topic of discussion. Examples:

Worüber spricht er? - What is he talking about?
Worüber lachst du? - What are you laughing at?
Worüber ist er so wütend? - What is he so angry about?
Worüber denkst du nach? - What are you thinking about?
Worüber bist du gestolpert? - What did you stumble over?
Worüber kann ich mich hier informieren? - What can I inform about here?
Worüber wolltest du mit mir reden? - What did you want to talk to me about?
Worüber willst du mit mir sprechen? - What do you want to speak to me about?

- Of what/From what
It is used to ask or refer to the cause of something. Examples:
Wovon redest du? - What are you talking about?
Wovon träumst du? - What are you dreaming about?

Woran - What about/ On what
It is used to refer to the object of one's thoughts or focus, often used with verbs of thinking or remembering. Example:
Woran denkst du? - What are you thinking about?

Ich nehme an ... - I suppose ...
Ich finde, dass ... - I think that ...
Sag das nochmal - Say that again
Ich denke, dass ... - I think that ...
Ich glaube, dass ... - I believe that ...
Ich habe eine Frage - I have a question
Ich bin überzeugt ... - I am convinced ...
Meiner Meinung nach... - In my opinion ...
Ich brauche eine Quittung - I need a receipt
Aus meiner Sicht ... - From my perspective ...

Es scheint mir, dass ... - It seems to me that ...
Aus meiner Sicht ... - From my point of view ...
Persönlich glaube ich ... - Personally, I think ...
Viele Menschen glauben ... - Many people think ...
Meiner Ansicht nach ... - From my point of view ...
Meiner Erfahrung nach ... - From my experience ...
Ich bin der Meinung, dass ... - My opinion is that ...
Es wäre toll, wenn du ... - It would be great if you...
Soweit ich mich erinnere ... - As far as I remember ...
Ich würde vorschlagen, dass ... - I would suggest that ...

... and requests