Adverbien (Adverbs)

Here are some rules that apply when using adverbs in german language:

1. When the adverb is placed in the beginning of the sentence, the word order changes and our sentence will have the following structure: adverb + conjugated verb + subject + rest of the sentence.
Example: Glücklicherweise ging alles gut aus. Thankfully, everything turned out fine.

2. Adverbs never come before a pronoun so if both subjects in our sentence are pronouns, the adverb comes after both of them.
Example: Sie hat ihn heute gekauft - She bought both of them

3. When there is no subject in our sentence, the adverb comes after the conjugated verb unless it's a reflexive verb. In this case, the adverb will be placed after the reflexive pronoun (mich, dich, sich …).
Example: Sie entspannen sich gemeinsam. - They relax together
4. Temporal adverbs normally come before locative adverbs.
Example: Er ist täglich dort. - He is there daily

Types of adverbs:

1. Lokaladverbien - Locative adverbs, they specify where the action occured
Some of the most common locative adverbs are: da, dort, drinnen, fort, hier, hinten, irgendwo, links, draußen, nebenan, nirgends/nirgendwo, überall, unten, vorn, aufwärts, hinauf, hinein, dahin/dorthin
Example: Draußen schneit es! - It's snowing outside!

2. Temporaladverbien - Temporal adverbs, they answer the questions: when? (wann?), how often? (wie oft?), at what times? (um wie viel Uhr?) or for how long (wie lange?)
Some of the most used temporal adverbs are: bald, bereits, bisher, danach, davor, einst, endlich, freitags/samstags/sonntags, gestern, immer, inzwischen, jetzt, neulich, nie, oft, regelmäßig, sofort, stets, täglich, vorhin, zurzeit
Example: Sie geht täglich in den Park. - She goes to the park everyday

3. Modaladverbien - Modal adverbs specify how something happens
Some of the most common modal adverbs: gern, sehr, leider, ganz, natürlich, kurz, allein(e), lang, sicherlich, anders, äußerst, beinahe, ebenfalls, fast, genauso, genug, größtenteils, hauptsächlich, hoffentlich, kaum, möglicherweise, reihenweise, vielleicht, wirklich
Example: Ich fahre gern Fahrrad - I like ridding my bike.

4. Kausaladverbien - Causal adverbs, specify why something happened
Some of the most common causal adverbs: darüber. anderfalls, also, dadurch, darum, demnach, demzufolge, deshalb, folglich, sicherheitshalber, somit, trotzdem
Examples: Ich richt nichts darüber - I didn't say anything on that.

Ich hatte keine Zeit, deshalb habe ich ihr nicht zugehört - I had no time therefore I haven't listened to her

5. Relativadverbien - Relative adverbs, the wo - words. Often come in forms often come in the following construction: wo + preposition. Some of the most common ones: womit, wofür , worüber, wonach, wobei, woran, wovon ...
Examples: Worüber lachst du? - What are you laughing at?
Wovon redest du? What are you talking about?
Worum geht es? What is this about?
Woran arbeitest du gerade? What are you working on at the moment?
Wofür ist dieses Teil? What is this piece for?